district0x Dev Update - July 6th, 2021

Development progress and product changes from district0x

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2021


Summer is here in full swing for our northern-hemisphere based team, and amidst the holidays and travel plans we’ve still found plenty of progress to celebrate in the recent weeks. As mentioned in our previous few updates, most development time has centered around getting Hegex and Name Bazaar up and running on testnet instances and eventually migrated to mainnet. Although there has been a slew of other small proceedings on the rest of our application suite.

We’ll begin with Ethlance, which continues to hammer out more fundamental development tasks for the relaunch of our first ever district. Among these include a complete rework to introduce core-async support in place of our previous clojure synchronous implementation. We’ve also just completed support for ERC20 token invoices on Ethlance, and now will be moving ahead with support for ERC721 and ERC1155 payments from employers in the coming weeks.

Progress with Name Bazaar also continues, with several more attempts at a mainnet migration made, and more bugs uncovered and quashed in the process. As of yesterday, we were still battling a memory leak issue that appeared in our recent mainnet deployment attempt. To help debug these ongoing issues, we established a secondary instance to play around with various solutions without having to burn down the otherwise operable testnet instance. Once this is cleared we should have a well staged mainnet sandbox to proceed with more testing.

Beside this, work continues on Hegex. While we attempted a major mainnet deployment last week, we were able to get contracts working and deployed smoothly. However, our 0x node configured for mainnet was littered with small bugs and needs some additional work to clean up. The main pull request to beat these back was made yesterday, and we should be able to spend the remainder of the cycle testing functionality on mainnet using live price feeds. These speedbumps come with some major victories however — we were able to successfully mint our first real Hegic option using our contract factory and wrappers. Once we confirm the fixes for the 0x node, we should have a nearly production ready application on mainnet.

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