district0x Dev Update - December 26th, 2017

Development progress and product changes from district0x

Alexander Khoriaty
Published in
3 min readDec 26, 2017


Despite the holiday break, the last two weeks of development have given us two major updates worth sharing. The whole team here at district0x is excited to refresh and come prepared to tackle the many tasks awaiting us in 2018.

We’re still accepting applications for a Clojurescript developer. If you have experience in Clojure, Solidity, or think you’d be a good fit, please shoot us an email with your work history and qualifications at talent@district0x.io. You can find a full job description here.

Name Bazaar Updates

In Progress

As mentioned in the last development update, the domain registration flow for Name Bazaar is mostly complete, with a few supporting services still left to be finished before pushing this live. As a reminder, this will allow users to register any unclaimed name in the ENS directly within the Name Bazaar dApp, simplifying the process for first time and power users alike.

Completed - Name Management Page

Last time we shared a quick teaser of the Name Management page. Shortly after we were able to quietly push this live for all Name Bazaar users.

The Name Management page provides access to several convenient functions for managing owned ENS names:

  • Point Name to an Address - Allows an owner to choose which address a certain name will redirect funds to.
  • Point Address to a Name - Allows an owner to choose a particular name to point to an address (but not necessarily the owning address) . Note that multiple names can point to the same address!
  • Create Subname - Allows owners of a name to create any subdomain from that name. For example, if I own popcorn.eth, I can create the subdomain buttered.popcorn.eth, and use this just like any other top level domain.
  • Transfer Ownership - Allows the owner of a name to transfer ownership of that name to a completely new address. Proceed with caution, as this is not reversible if ownership is transferred to an inaccessible address!

d0xINFRA Updates

In Progress

In the previous dev update, we mentioned we had begun a modularization process with the Name Bazaar backend, moving these components into a more general form for re-purposing in future districts.

In the past two weeks, we’ve managed to split off over a dozen components into their own modules and repositories in the district0x Github. These are all individually documented and publicly available. Name Bazaar is being migrated to run off of these as they are separated, so far proceeding without much of a hiccup. As we move forward with the modularization process, more pieces will be separated, and when “complete” the entire lot and how it fits together will documented.

What’s Next?

The in progress work mentioned previously will all continue through the holidays as we win down 2017 and approach 2018. With the few outstanding features for Name Bazaar nearly wrapped up, we will continue into next year working on d0xINFRA, Meme Factory, and the migration to the Aragon network.

Additionally, as noted in the introduction, we’ve begun a more aggressive campaign to expand the size of the development team. If you’re interested in tackling these initiatives with us, apply herein.

Learn More

For more information about the district0x Network:

